Re-Love The Inner Child: The Path of Healing to Healer
It was only after reaching an extreme level of self abandonment and rejection that I realized I was repeating the same patterns of abandonment and rejection from my childhood. By deepening my own quest of healing, I am able to help my clients deepen their own journey of self love, and self acceptance.
Self Acceptance & Personal Growth: The Snake of Journey
This first stage is messy; the feelings of pain and negative core beliefs are powerful – vulnerability, surrender and self-compassion is the only way through the dark nights of the soul.
Healing Power: The Eagle of Healing
The healing stage is where I got stuck for many years. It was a hamster wheel of searching but not finding. I could identify the story of my pain, feel the pain that was programmed into my nervous system but never quite let it go or move past it.
Emotional Courage: The Tiger of Strength
In the past, I experienced a push/pull, action-oriented, do or die approach for most of my life - where trying was the game and falling short was the story so I could call up even more energy in the form of resistance and use determination as my driving force to get results.
Subconscious To Conscious: The Butterfly of Transformation
The survival mind protecting me all these years is fighting for its own survival so I am literally split between the overcoming and the becoming. This results in resistance that manifests in the body as pain, the nervous system as dense e-motions, and in the psychological mind as old stories that are being projected into circumstances around me.
Important Part of The Healing Journey | The Stag of Honor
Let me start by saying, if you are in the Stag of Honor phase then you are not the same person as you were when you first stepped forward and took on the Snake of Journey.
The Self-Discovery Journey Begins: Peacock of Confidence
I took on an intense healing journey and developed the Sense of Self Spirit Animal Journey over the course of 8 weeks. I developed each phase as I was breaking through my own inner nightmares.